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Financial consolidation and reporting: Finding clarity in complexity

Experience a new standard in financial management with our expert financial consolidation and reporting solutions. Efficiently integrate financial data into a cohesive narrative, giving your organization a unified and precise overview.

Elevate decision-making, ensure regulatory compliance and enhance transparency – because when precision meets professionalism, success is inevitable.

The benefits

In-depth expertise

With a wealth of experience and a proven process, we minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth implementation of OneStream solutions tailored to your needs.

Streamlined efficiency

Revolutionize financial operations with OneStream, expediting financial close cycles and minimizing errors. Seamless workflows ensure a timely, accurate representation of your organization's performance, enhancing operational efficiency.

Data-driven decisions

Empower leadership with real-time insights through OneStream's robust reporting capabilities. Transform consolidated data into actionable intelligence for informed decision-making, enabling confidence when steering your organization toward strategic goals.

A single source of truth for actionable insights

Partner with us to transform your financial strategy with our expert-built advanced financial reporting and consolidation solutions. We design unified platforms to seamlessly integrate diverse financial data, allowing streamlined consolidation, reporting and agile analysis. Choose Ascend Partners as your ally for swift, efficient implementations — minimizing disruptions and maximizing the impact of your financial system investments.


Features, explored

Trusted implementation expertise

With a finely tuned process and deep industry knowledge, partnering with us ensures a streamlined deployment of solutions tailored to your unique requirements. Our expert team will accelerate your journey to financial efficiency, minimize downtime and maximize the impact of your financial consolidation and reporting initiatives.

Unified platform

We build OneStream consolidation and reporting solutions that offer an all-in-one platform to seamlessly integrate financial data, providing a centralized hub for all your consolidation needs. Disparate, disconnected data sources are finally connected, simplifying data management and establishing data consistency across various financial processes.

Advanced reporting capabilities

Experience the power of advanced reporting tools with OneStream's comprehensive, customizable reports. Reporting solutions empower users to generate real-time insights, conduct in-depth analyses and present financial information in a format tailored to specific audiences. Facilitate informed decision-making at every level of your organization.

Agile planning and forecasting

OneStream goes beyond consolidation and reporting by offering agile planning and forecasting functionalities. We leverage this feature to enable organizations to adapt to changing business conditions, model various scenarios and make data-driven predictions. By integrating actuals, planning and forecasting within the same platform, Ascend's holistic approach provides total financial management inside OneStream.

Conquer complexity and enable confident decision-making

Future-proof your business with OneStream solutions innovated by Ascend Partners.
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Dynamic dimensionality

Our OneStream experts leverage this powerful capability to allow organizations to adapt and evolve their financial structures effortlessly, ensuring flexibility in consolidating and reporting diverse data sets. With OneStream dynamic dimensionality, we empower businesses to stay agile in response to changing requirements, providing a robust foundation for comprehensive financial management.

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Transparency, efficiency and success in numbers

100% success rate

Our unparalleled 100% success rate in OneStream implementations exemplifies our commitment to seamless and efficient financial management solutions. Elevate your financial processes with our expertise and ensure a successful OneStream journey.

Deliver 100% data transparency

Get a true line of sight into your data, metadata and process changes while unrivaled audit trails and drill-back capabilities give you complete confidence and control.

Up to 50% reduction in reporting time

Executing a faster end-close process means executives and managers across your organization gain access to the timely financial and operating results needed to make sound decisions.

With OneStream, consolidation is much faster with fewer errors, providing the finance team more time to analyze financials - which is a huge improvement.

OneStream has shortened the close process by three to four days, cutting time spent on reporting by 50%. The ability for users to view and drill into data is great, as they can answer questions faster and focus on real issues. Information is timelier, so there’s deeper analysis and better problem-solving.”

Finance Director

Workflow, audit and Excel integration

We'll streamline your financial workflows by organizing them logically in OneStream to guide users on precisely what to do and when to do it. Add custom checks to help ensure data quality and track sign-off on all submitted data from those responsible. 

Experience real-time collaboration, enhanced teamwork and confident decision-making as data changes made via imports, forms, journals or Excel instantly reflect in OneStream. Create dynamic, Excel-based reporting tailored to your unique needs. Boost productivity with a user-friendly interface, allowing financial and non-financial users to harness the power of synchronized data. Rest easy with robust audit trail features, ensuring the security and compliance of your financial data.


Reporting and dashboards

We build interactive dashboards that bring vitality to your data, fostering the agility required for swift, well-informed decisions in the ever-evolving business landscape.

Our expert-built reports allow finance teams to seamlessly synthesize crucial financial and operational metrics for a cohesive view. Identifying timely emerging business trends and investigating root causes by drilling down into transactional details is simple. Experience true visibility into the impact of changes on models, plans and forecasts, and turn them into actionable insights.


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Frequently asked questions

What is financial reporting?

Financial reporting is a fundamental accounting process that leverages financial statements to unveil a company's fiscal health and performance across specific intervals, typically annually or quarterly. Put simply, it’s a crucial tool for comprehending an organization's monetary and capital standing—revealing where funds originate and more importantly, how they’re allocated. This transparency is indispensable, allowing investors and stakeholders to make well-informed business decisions rooted in the concrete financial realities of the company. 

For potential investors and lenders, scrutinizing a company's financial statements, including the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statements, is a pivotal step in determining whether to invest or extend financial support to the enterprise. Financial reporting is the cornerstone of transparency and accountability in the business realm.

What does financial reporting software do and why is it important?

Financial reporting software is integral to streamlining organizational reporting processes, consolidating data into a centralized database for structured organization and versatile formatting. This includes actual financial and operational results and budget and forecast preparation. However, challenges arise when data is dispersed across multiple spreadsheets or different Corporate Performance Management (CPM) software applications, requiring time-consuming normalization efforts before meaningful comparisons can occur.

The solution lies in centralizing all relevant data—actuals, plans, budgets and forecasts—within a single system with a common set of reporting tools. This consolidated approach facilitates real-time drill-down capabilities for swift analysis and action, crucial for leading at speed in dynamic business environments.

Financial and management reporting takes various forms to meet stakeholder needs. This encompasses:

  • Graphical dashboards and scorecards for executives
  • Standard financial statements and presentations for board members
  • Divisional Profit and Loss (P&L) analyses for line-of-business management
  • Profitability breakdowns by product, customer, or channel
  • Ad-hoc analysis and scenario modeling capabilities for Finance and Operations analysts

Optimal results are achieved when organizations standardize on a single financial reporting software solution capable of addressing different stakeholders' broad reporting and analysis requirements. This approach ensures more timely and accurate results compared to organizations relying on multiple tools to support varied reporting needs.

What is financial close and consolidation?

In the dynamic and often disruptive economic landscape, CFOs and finance organizations are increasingly required to lead decision-making processes with speed, insight and confidence. Despite this imperative, many finance organizations grapple with inefficiencies in routine processes, particularly in the financial close and reporting cycle, hindering their ability to focus on value-added analysis and decision support.

While the financial close, consolidation and reporting process can be straightforward in smaller enterprises with a single, centralized GL/ERP system, operating in a single currency and possessing a simple legal entity structure, it becomes more complex as organizations grow and evolve. In mid-sized to large enterprises, the financial close involves closing sub-ledgers and general ledgers at multiple locations, consolidating financial results, performing reconciliations, booking tax provisions, producing financial and management reports, and completing statutory reporting and regulatory filings.

As complexity increases, spanning multiple locations and departments with involvement from various systems, the financial close and reporting process demands significant time and resources from the finance team. Most organizations execute this process monthly, with additional tasks and heightened rigor quarterly and yearly. Streamlining this process frees up time and resources and allows for allocation to value-added activities such as analyzing financial and operating results and supporting strategic business decisions.

Efficient financial close and timely, accurate reporting empowers CFOs and finance executives to lead decision-making with the enhanced insight, speed, and confidence required to align their organization with the demands of today's business landscape.

How does financial consolidation software compare to alternative solutions?

Financial consolidation software stands out as a superior solution compared to alternative methods commonly used in the past. Although widely available and familiar, spreadsheets lack key financial consolidation functionalities, are prone to errors, and lack audit trails. While offering basic features, General Ledger/Enterprise Resource Planning (GL/ERP) systems were not designed to integrate data from multiple GLs, limiting their effectiveness in handling complex consolidation needs.

On the other hand, purpose-built financial consolidation software, a component of modern Corporate Performance Management (CPM) solutions, has emerged as the preferred choice for mid-sized to larger enterprises. These applications are specifically designed to integrate data from various GL/ERP systems, offering advanced financial consolidation features, robust reporting, and comprehensive audit trails. Unlike transactional systems, purpose-built tools provide user-friendly reporting capabilities, automatically generating consolidated financial statements, management reports, dashboards, board books, presentations, and spreadsheet-based analyses.

Historically deployed in on-premises data centers, these solutions are now available as cloud or Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings, making deployment and management more accessible. OneStream's Intelligent Finance Platform serves as an exemplary purpose-built application for financial close, consolidation, reporting, and more, illustrating the effectiveness and advancements in modern financial consolidation software.

Industries we serve

From real estate to manufacturing, mining and everything in between, discover why OneStream is the CPM of choice for over 1,200 global enterprises across all verticals.

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Why Ascend?

Our team possesses the perfect combination of technical expertise and extensive knowledge to provide cutting-edge solutions that perfectly align with the constantly evolving technological landscape of today and tomorrow.

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